Authenticity Now
Greensboro Project Space
“The very word memory begins to resonate differently. Pertaining more to its role as an empty vessel, a container, than to the information that would fill it.”
This installation reconfigured a new cubic space within the footprint upstairs, Greensboro Project Space. Comprised of two adjoining rooms, I focused on displacing space and environment to embody a desire for bringing close what has otherwise been distanced by time and circumstance. Ephemera, doubling of objects, and mirrors were used to evoke compressions of time and longing within a domestic setting.. Various simulations of environmental and perceptual experience intervened within and between the two spaces to jar significance from the mundane and to question why and how value is assigned within our recognition of authenticity.
Instances of this included the use of a monitor, constructed into the guise of a window, and showing a live feed video of the landscape imperceptible beyond the wall of the installation. In an adjoining room, an elaborate maquette simulated a tropical herbarium from which a documentary was made in the style of a NOVA special. This played on an 80’s style television in the adjoining domestic /living space, evoking aspects of the dreamy theatricality through which generations of media-consumers have understood and related to the distant and exotic world.